COVID-19 Info

COVID-19 Statement

We hope that you are all healthy and well as we all navigate the unprecedented COIVD-19 pandemic. While many things have changed, one thing remains the same; our commitment to your safety. Woodbury Periodontics, PC will continue to protect our patients and staff with the highest level of universal precautions and necessary PPE during and beyond this pandemic. We have and will continue to closely follow all recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Dental Association, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the New York Dental Association.

Recently, the CDC changed its recommendations regarding wearing masks once a person is fully vaccinated. The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, but the increased number of vaccinated people is changing how we live in the current environment. As a healthcare facility, the CDC recommends continued masking. Subsequently, Woodbury Periodontics, PC will continue to require face coverings for all patients and staff. All other COVID-19 policies are still in place regardless of an individual’s vaccination status and we will continue to screen for COVID-19 symptoms.

We have made many changes within our office towards this end goal. These include moving to a paperless electronic medical record, digital radiographs and extending our appointment times to limit cross traffic within the office. We are alternating treatment rooms to allow for adequate cleaning and disinfection to occur. We are extremely excited with the addition of several Surgical Clean Air Jade Units throughout our office. The JADE air purification system utilizes Surgically Clean Air's multi-stage air purifying technologies that work together to clean, purify and re-energize the indoor air.

We would like to explain our procedures and let you know what you can expect for you next appointment at our office.

We appreciate your arrival close to your scheduled appointment time. Our reception area although open, has limited seating and we are trying to limit cross traffic between individuals within the office.

All patients will be asked to wear a mask while in the office unless we are actively working in your mouth.

All patients will be asked to wash their hands or utilize hand sanitizer upon entry into the office. A pre-procedural rinse may be utilized to decrease bacterial and viral load within your mouth prior to your treatment beginning. A member of the staff will again review our COVID-19 screening questions and take your temperature with a touch less thermometer.

All of us at Woodbury Periodontics, PC are excited to be entering the next phase of vaccinated COVID-19 pandemic as we continue to provide safe and effective periodontal and implant care to our patients.

Please contact our office with any questions, concerns or to schedule an appointment at 631-629-4760. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Contact Us. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.